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Sunday 1 March 2015

Sweet Sunday! - Jemma's Chocolate Mug Cake!

Hey Hey!
Welcome again lovelies!
It's Sunday evening, everyone's fed, bathed and in their pj's, school bags packed and lunches prepped. You just get comfy on the sofa and you get a craving for something delicious and naughty, but who can be bothered to spend Sunday night in the kitchen?! Not me! So after doing a bit of the old Googling, I took bits of recipes I liked and created 'Jemma's Chocolate Mug Cake!', prep takes less than 5 mins and it takes just three minutes to cook....yes, its a microwave cake!
You will need - 
A mug.
Three tablespoons of plain flour.
Three tablespoons of cocoa powder.
One tablespoons of caster sugar.
Two tablespoons of dark brown sugar.
An egg.
Two tablespoons of vegetable oil.
Dark chocolate chips (as many as you like!)
And milk, as much as it takes to create a batter like consistency!
Oh, and not forgetting a microwave!
chocolate mug cake

The method could not be more simple, it's completely elegant.....just like me! You quite simply, bung everything in a mug, mix it up until you get a batter like consistency, viola!
You then pop it into the microwave, mine is an 850w, for 3 minutes.
You are left with gooey, messy, rich and delicious chocolate mug cake!
Chocolate Mug Cake
Chocolate Mug Cake
Now, these are not the most aesthetically pleasing treats, but they're yum! They rise right up in the microwave and then sink a little when they hit the cool air.
Chocolate Mug Cake

Chocolate Mug Cake

Chocolate Mug Cake

Chocolate Mug Cake

You could even switch the chocolate chips for a drop of vanilla, a spoon of peanut butter, a spoon of chocolate spread, or even a few marshmallows!
Either way it will definitely not be 10 minutes wasted!
Let me know if you give making these a go, did you add anything extra?
Don't forget to give an ol' like over on Facebook, or follow along on the Twitters and the Instagrams, links can be found bellow or over in the side bar < :0)
You can also check out my last Sweet Sunday post by clicking here.
I'll be back in a few days, for now though, bye bye! Have a wonderful week!
Much Love,




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